Today’s topic will be an interesting subject and highly relevant to many of us. That is how to deal with other people with their negative money stories. Having said that, it simply means people who just doesn’t have the positive money mindset and will sell you their negative money stories. I will be sharing 3 […]
Archivos del Autor: Sherina Mayani
I always used to have this connection that the more money I make, the more stress I need to handle and the more overwhelm I need to feel. When I was working on my money flow series project, I’ve learnt that the number 1 reason for stress is money. Can you imagine all the stress […]
Do you often ponder why it seems so hard to promote yourself whether via online or offline. Do you feel scared promoting yourself? Here are three steps to bust this block. Step 1: Take off the Negativity around promotion. The first thing in regards to promotion is to take off the negativity around it. We […]
If you want to create a business that is successful, that makes you money, that is in alignment with what you do; who you are, the one thing that you can have in place is a VISION. If you do not have a vision, if you do not know where your business is going, it’s […]
Often, my clients ask me how can they create more money and abundance in their business. Creating a business that has money flow, creating a business you love and being in true alignment takes commitment. There is a reason why not every business is successful in earning six figure business. The process is not hard, […]
As any business owner, one will always crave for more sales in their business. Sales is a really an exciting topic and sometimes a taboo topic. For me, I used to freak out when I think of the word ‘sales’. I used to be scared of it. I don’t know why but most of us […]
Often, part of the work I do with my clients is helping them to increase that energy, increase that frequency, and also the strategies to create a profitable business. I’m really excited to share with you two techniques which I personally use. I share these powerful techniques with my clients and these will help you […]
Are there days that you feel less confident as you wanted to? Days that you feel depress that things aren’t going well which then takes a beating on your confidence level. Fret not because here are five steps to boost your confidence level. As a coach, there are days when I don’t feel as confident […]
In every journey, whether you are a coach or in any business, there will be challenging times. People think success is easy because we see these success stories sound so easy. When we do it, we think why am I getting stuck, why is this happening or why am I not earning the money? There […]
I want to share the key that really fueled my dreams. It is what has kept me on track and moving forward. It’s important because it really is the key to success. Now, I know that it’s super easy to give up. It’s easy to say, “No, I don’t want to do this,” “I’ll do […]