If you want to create a business that is successful, that makes you money, that is in alignment with what you do; who you are, the one thing that you can have in place is a VISION. If you do not have a vision, if you do not know where your business is going, it’s not going to be successful. When you don’t have a vision for your business, it’s easy to stay stagnant and not move forward. When you have a vision for your business and when you are moving forward, you get through all the obstacles in the way and you move forward. And I’ve seen so many times having a vision can be that motivation, that energy that takes off and moves your business forward.
For me when I first started my business, I was very clear what I wanted my business to look like. I was clear in what I wanted to achieve in my business, the women I wanted to impact. I was super duper clear. I had this very big vision which I still do today. And it’s interesting, what my business is now is a vision of what I had for my business two years back. And there was a period of time when my vision was realized, I stopped my visioning and I stopped thinking ahead. I was fortunate to have a colleague who asked me, what’s next for me when I’ve got what I wanted. So what’s my next vision? I was like, I’m good, and she asked what do you mean by I’m good. This contentment made me stayed there. There was no new ideas coming up and business stayed there. It then made me think so many times when we don’t have a vision, a strong enough vision that pushes us forward, when things get tough, you get rejection which is very normal in business, it’s really easy to stay there. There’s a saying that goes, when you are not growing, you are dying. Many times when we think we are staying there, but no, we are dying, we are declining. It’s so important to grow and have that vision in front of us.
So how does one create the vision? It’s not about creating the right vision, it’s creating a vision, sticking to a vision that is truly you. I’m a big believer in vision board. I have it near my work space so that I can look at it all the time. I always have my vision board with me when things aren’t going my way, or email that I dislike. I’ll see my vision board and remind myself where I’m going. And you know why I’m doing all these things I’m doing because sometimes in business it can be challenging. So part of it that keeps you going is that vision and having the vision board keeps you on track.
The other thing I like is having a written statement of your vision which you can read daily. This can be how you see yourself in your business in a few years time. I like writing it down in the present, so when I read it, it’s like reading in the present and it makes me feel connected to it. It makes me be that woman who is living that vision and it makes me feel so amazing and it feels good. It’s super powerful.
The third thing I do to connect with my vision is to share my vision. I share my vision with my friends, my colleagues, my coach. I make sure I share it with people because when I do that it makes it real. When things are quiet, it doesn’t feel as real. By saying out loud, it feels real. Having that vision and sharing with people whom you trust, people who makes you feel good and safe. However, be mindful with whom you share your vision with. Because there’s this energy which some people who are really looking out for you , who really want you to succeed, share your vision with them. They are looking out for you, these people are holding that intention for you, holding that vision for you. And it’s this kind of energy that so many people are holding that vision for you; it’s putting more energy to your business, more energy to support you. When you have that energy, when you have that energetic support, miracles happen. When two or more minds have that same intention, it’s just beautiful. Look for mastermind partners whom will support you, whom you feel in alignment with. It’s so important to have that because that’s what will keep you to that vision; keeps you grounded and connected. In my money flow mastery program, I teach my clients how to create a powerful vision. For more information, visit www.moneyflowcoaching.com.