I always used to have this connection that the more money I make, the more stress I need to handle and the more overwhelm I need to feel. When I was working on my money flow series project, I’ve learnt that the number 1 reason for stress is money. Can you imagine all the stress created in the world is related to money? This topic came up when I was talking to a client that she feels money brings a lot of anxiety; money brings a lot of stress. I’ve learnt that stress is a choice. We can choose to be in stress or we can choose not to be in stress. So I want to share with you the key to not be overwhelm when building your business, when making more money and all of it. I am going to share with you what has helped me not to get in the energy of stress and not let that get to me and not let that rule me.
1) Putting your emotions in priority
The key to making money without feeling overwhelm is putting your emotions in priority. What do I mean by that? It is making sure that your number 1 goal is to feel good now. Honestly, in the beginning, I was really stressed. I remembered oh my god, there’s so much to do and feeling that energy in my chest. I was feeling this big heavy energy on my chest and for me now, I have noticed that I have really put priority in my emotions that every day I make sure that I do things right. This includes sleeping right, eating right and taking time to meditate, time to exercise and having self-care time. I put this as a priority and since then, I’ve seen a shift in the way I show up. I tend to get to gear fast and get triggered fast. I’ve also learnt that there are ways to calm yourself down. There are ways to put yourself in that energy where you are calm and you are feeling good. Because at the end of the day, what I’ve realized is that the world will go up and down. You know finances will go up and down, things will happen, obstacles will appear, blocks will appear, it’s part and parcel of life. However, we cannot let our emotions get triggered by that. When things go good, we feel happy. When things go bad, we feel unhappy. That should not be the way. We need to learn to be balance and feel balance. Feeling balance is the priority we should have. And I’ve noticed myself when I put more energy and focus on feeling good on my emotions, we will always have a solution and we will figure it out.
Now that I look back one year ago, I was so triggered that my whole day get screwed up. Now that I know, I will check in with my emotions. Things will happen and I will not let it affect me energetically and emotionally. Because these days we live in a world where we are so connected that people can reach us instantly, especially when we are online. When something puts us off and affects our nerves system, I feel we have so many triggers all over the place and this is one of the reasons why we feel so overwhelm and stressed out. We feel very anxious because it feels like energy from all over the world. We read the news and there’s something that will affect our nerves system and stress level. Even though we try to control as much as we can, it is there. So it’s really interesting. Therefore, when it comes to making money and building your business, I think it is very important to make sure you are in balance.
2) Putting yourself as a priority (Have a self-care routine)
Before I start my business, I was like what is self-care? Now I understand, it is so important to take care of yourself especially when you want to grow. You know having more money, building a business, having more clients, all of these things are responsibilities; it’s energy and holding more space for more things, more resources, more people, and you got to be okay with holding more space. The more things you hold, there’s things that are going to move around and you cannot let that affect you energetically or emotionally. It’s like building the emotional strength. When you focus in building emotional strength in your business, you are able to build a business with no overwhelm, feeling good, feeling calm. Whenever I feel overwhelm, I start to think about the people who have more than me. You know the people who have extra group programs, who have 20 private clients, who have other projects, who are moms and how do they manage it? They have the same 24 hours like me right and they are not overwhelmed. They handle themselves really well and I’ve noticed they take good care of themselves really well. My point here is to give yourself space and do things that calms you down. For me, having a banana or a cup of tea calms me down. Essential oils, like lavender helps too. EFT is a great tool for this too. Taking 3 deep breaths to breathe and to be allows me to focus in. Setting your boundaries and stop being addicted to checking emails and facebook notifications. In a day, I am online 3 times a day. I disconnect and this gives me the space to re-calibrate or meditate. I feel much more grounded when I take my boundaries seriously.
Now that I’ve shared my best tips with you, comment below do you give self-care a priority? Share with me, what do you do to self care? If you like, you are welcome to join my Facebook Group “Live Your Passions and Follow Your Butterflies” and ask me questions.