Do you often ponder why it seems so hard to promote yourself whether via online or offline. Do you feel scared promoting yourself? Here are three steps to bust this block.
Step 1: Take off the Negativity around promotion.
The first thing in regards to promotion is to take off the negativity around it. We are program to believe that promoting yourself, selling yourself is bad, is wrong, is not good. We really need to clear that belief. How do we clear that? I love tapping to clear these things. Tapping is touching certain meridian points in the body to shift energy. And it is about releasing the negativity around promoting yourself. If you want to make money in your business, you’ve got to be okay with the promotion. We all are promoting ourselves. Think about it in a different way, everyone is promoting ourselves every single day. Why do I say everyone is promoting and selling ourselves? This is because we are always trying to sell our point of view whether to our partners, kids, parents or friends. Think about it, it’s all about our perspective. So it’s important to know we are always promoting ourselves whether consciously or unconsciously.
Step 2: Be You, Be Honest, Be Authentic.
If you are starting your business or in the first few years of your business, just do it. I feel honestly for me, the best way to promote yourself is to be you. That’s the way to promote yourself. Take away the word promotion because the word promotion brings alot of “urgh”. I don’t want to promote myself, I don’t want to sell. Just BE YOU. Be visible. That is promoting yourself. The more visible you are with your ideal clients, you are doing them a service. And that’s the other thing. Don’t feel like when you are promoting, you need to promote all over the world. You don’t have to bombard everyone and not everybody needs to see it. You got to get clear on who your ideal client and target market is and then show up to them. So for example, as a coach, I know who my ideal client is. I know who they are and I show up to them. I’m sharing with them and I don’t even like calling it promoting. I’m sharing with them what I can help them with. I share with them how I can support them. This idea of creating flow in your life, having money, abundance and joy, it’s really truly possible for you. And again, to promote yourself, you got to be you. That’s really the key here. Be you, be honest, be authentic. When you are authentic, it will make you feel at ease. Guess what, when we are doing these things we feel block by feeling “oh we are going to be rude, it’s not good, etc.” We grow up with these thoughts that it’s not good enough, right? With these disempowering thoughts, old programming, it’s crazy sometimes when we look at how these beliefs we’ve been engrained to since young. But promoting yourself is being you. It’s sharing, and think of it this way. Eg: You are selling organic apples. You have a group of people who love and desire organic apples. By promoting to them, sharing with them, you are doing them a service. Promoting is helping and being of service. Being yourself. In order to have results in your business, you’ve got to be consistent in it. And that’s the key and you are then able to create money flow.
Step 3: Think promotion as sharing. It’s not about you.
I talked about it before that I feel weird about promoting my money flow course. I was feeling weird and icky. The next day when I woke up, I had this download that I have to do this not for me, but for the women that needs my service. I’m doing this not for me, but for the women who is asking for this. I spoke to this women and she cried at the end because she was so touched that I shared this program which she was looking for. Do it for the person who needs this. Focus on the big picture, think about serving others. I now do it for the person whose life might change because they needed this.
In short, be you, get over you, focus on the people you serve. Think about the people you serve, you’ll be grateful you get over yourself. People who needs your service will want you to share your services with them.