I want to share the key that really fueled my dreams. It is what has kept me on track and moving forward. It’s important because it really is the key to success.
Now, I know that it’s super easy to give up. It’s easy to say, “No, I don’t want to do this,” “I’ll do it tomorrow,” or “I’ll do it later.” But, it doesn’t have to be like this. Your business and your success don’t have to be hard or difficult. So, let me explain why.
The secret key we all want is simple: desire. Simply having the desire to succeed isn’t quite enough, though. You have to be very clear about your desires too. Without that clarity, going for your dreams will be very challenging. As I started my own business, I knew that I had to have my desires laid out very clearly and concisely. That is what helped me stay focused on moving forward and making progress.
That clarity helped me take action when I was feeling lazy and my desires are what kept me alive and pushing on.
Now, what do I mean by desires?
So many of us go into starting our businesses without being clear about what we want. When you aren’t sure of your desires it is like not having fuel: you aren’t going to get anywhere. For me, being sure of what I wanted and having clear goals and desires laid out for me was that fuel to keep going. It develops a certain amount of determination because you have a clear destination and goals in mind.
In my seven week e-Course called “Build your money business and busting through your money blocks.” The whole first week we spend discussing how you can get clear on your dreams. The reason we spend a whole week on that is because if you aren’t clear, it will be very challenging. That’s where I see so many people quit because it is easy to forget why you are working or lose motivation when the desire isn’t strong enough.
For those of you who feel like you don’t know what you want, I have a really cool gift for you because I want to help you take that first step. I want you to develop that commitment. I want to give you the worksheet from week one of the seven week e-Course. This worksheet is made up of 14 pages where you will be guided by specific questions to become very clear about your desires.
Once you have the fuel, the rest is history. Remember, the road to your dreams is not smooth. Unfortunately, it isn’t a 1, 2, 3 step process. You’re going to spend more time in the journey than at your goal, so never forget to enjoy the whole process.
Email Karla at karla@sherinamayani.com so that you can focus your dreams and desires. Once you have the fuel you need to be motivated and determined in your business, or any endeavors, the only thing stopping you will be you.