“Success is a journey not a destination” -Ben sweetland Has it happen to you that you always expect results to happen faster than what they should? Things that happen in life happen because of a reason. There’s something much greater underneath than just the result of things. Don’t you think it’ll be boring if we just […]
Archivos de Categoría: Blog
I chose the size of the footprint I wanted to leave in the world, by choosing to follow my heart. There are all kinds of things you can do in life; you can have a full time 8 hours corporate job or a 24 hours entrepreneur job, you can be a freelancer or an employee, […]
REALITY AWAKENING I wanted to write about this because I think this is something really important for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re an entrepreneur in progress, an experienced one or if you’re just starting to give it a chance, Perception is something that affects our Business and Lives. I always put it in these […]
Today I want to share something different with you… I often see how my clients are always doubting about the direction their Business is taking. They always say they don’t know if the course they are taking is the RIGHT one… I wanna share my story with you, because as them I was in wonderland […]
Let me share with you my story Just a few months ago I was in a Job I didn’t LOVE making less than $2k a month. Do you relate? I knew in my heart that I desired to be of service and that I had something amazing to share with women from all around the […]
Do you find comparing yourself with someone else? If yes, you have what I like to call ‘Comparitisis’ I have to admit that I had it too. I was comparing myself with other people and trying to make myself ‘wrong’ for what was happening or not happening in my life and business I was actually […]
I decide to write this short article about FEAR after watching a great video from Brendon Burchard (one of my current mentors) and I love when he mentions that “most fears are just bad management of our own mental faculties.” WAO. Let’s go deeper on this concept. This might be a game changer in your […]
How do we go from “good” to “GREAT”? While watching the video “Hall of Fame” by The Script, a moment of clarification came into my mind from the Universe. Almost every very successful person tells that the #1 rule of their achivements has been “hard work” and what that really means is that you need […]
Hope you are doing amazing! In these days I was looking at my dream book; this is a book I started in 2011 in which I added photos of all my dreams and desires. Looking at it I noticed this beautiful photo of Sydney. I had added this photo back in 2011. It Hit Me! […]
Hello Beautiful, Hope you are having an amazing day. Today I want to talk about intentions. Michael Beckwith says it best. He says that the reason for our ‘unhappiness’ is due to our lack of intentions. The truth is that everything is energy. The more focused the energy is the more results we will create […]