I chose the size of the footprint I wanted to leave in the world, by choosing to follow my heart.
There are all kinds of things you can do in life; you can have a full time 8 hours corporate job or a 24 hours entrepreneur job, you can be a freelancer or an employee, you can work from home or anywhere you want or you can work from your office in a 24 floor level building. There are so many paths to take in life but there’s one and only one that will guide you to your happiness and when you decide to follow that one, everything around you starts working in perfect harmony and synchronization.
I know this because after working in a corporate job and feeling I wasn’t giving my 100%, that I wasn’t doing anything that really matter, anything that would make me proud of the footprint I was leaving in the world, I discovered my path to happiness.
I found out that life is about being brave and pursuing, is about chasing impossible dreams, is about living the day and it’s definitely about reaching out to others to offer them your hand when they less expect it but need it the most.
I chose the size of my footprint when I chose to follow my dreams and heart. When happiness spoke through them and showed me there’s always a different way to see life, to understand why we are here in this beautiful world.
But that footprint size I was discovering was enormous, was bigger than my feet and it’s because it came from the size of my dreams.
And the truth is that the bigger your dream is, the bigger the challenge will be…no reward is more fulfilling than the one coming from your hard work because once you see how far you’ve gone just by believing in yourself and by continuing in the run, you’ll never see yourself the same way and the world will become a playground for you, because if there’s something I’ve learnt in my journey is that everything is possible and that I’m capable and ready to do anything as long as I stay in my path to happiness!
So be brave, stay in that path that YOU know is the right for you, the one that’s going to bring you the biggest reward of all and the one that’s already making you happy.
My lesson in life is to Leave a Footprint that makes you Proud of leaving.
P.S. I have created an amazing FB Group for all of us to really share and celebrate each other and share the footprints that we’re leaving in this world. Request to Join here and Introduce yourself.