Hope you are doing amazing!
In these days I was looking at my dream book; this is a book I started in 2011 in which I added photos of all my dreams and desires. Looking at it I noticed this beautiful photo of Sydney. I had added this photo back in 2011. It Hit Me!
In the span of 6 months I have gone to Sydney TWICE. The first time I went was September Last year. And Today I am on my way there!When I first put that photo I had no idea HOW I was going to go or WHEN…I just knew WHY I wanted to go and that I wanted to GO!
A year ago, I felt Sydney was so ‘impossible’. Today it is my NEW NORMAL.
Amazing what can shift in just one-year right?Let me share with you how I did it:
- I was CLEAR I wanted to go to Sydney.
- I made the DECISION to go to Sydney no matter what.
- My whole family thought I was crazy to go to Sydney. What I did: Got the desire even stronger.
- I put a photo of Sydney in my dream book in 2011.
- I started to focus on the WHY, NOT the How or WHEN..
- At the End of December 2013 I joined a certification program in where the training was going to be in Sydney.
- I started researching tickets to Sydney.
- I started applying for my Sydney Visa.
- I started Packing.
- And I went!
- And I am going today AGAIN!
- Why not?
Everything is POSSIBLE.Just get clear on what you desire and WHY you desire it…Then forget about the HOW and the WHEN and start working with what you have today towards it…Stay close: I will be sharing about my travels in the coming mailers!Lot’s of Love,
Sherina Mayani
Ps. Are you interested in working with me but want to find out specifically how it can work out for you?
Apply here for a Complimentary call:
Sherina Mayani
Ps. Are you interested in working with me but want to find out specifically how it can work out for you?
Apply here for a Complimentary call: