There are many things that you can do that can change you forever, I have learned through my experience that there are specific actions that if we take can really get us into a higher financial frequency thus having us attract and create more money in our lives. I have seen 3 things that when […]
Archivos de Categoría: Blog
Let’s face it Sometimes in life and in Business things will just not go the way you want it to… You won’t reach your numbers when you wanted. You Webinar will not go well… You won’t hit your target for the month… And more… It’s happened MANY times with me. That I don’t get what […]
WORKING A PLAN on a consistent basis, sometimes we don’t have a plan, which can give us trouble later; we need to be organized and set a plan. You got to make sure you have a plan and you have to be working on it every single day consistently. It helped me a lot. WORKING […]
I want to share with you 3 believes to have in place so you can make more sales in your business. Sales are the pillar of a business. With no sales, there is NO business. Having said this we got to make sure our mindset is aligned to create successful sales in business. We have […]
Today I will be sharing with you the number one block that women, entrepreneurs and coaches get stuck with. This is a block that actually I’ve been struggling for a while. (In total transparency) It’s a block that many of us have to work on and sometimes continue to work on. The number one block […]
Today I want to share with you 3 elements that you need to have in place in your business to really create an awesome freedom based business. A business that is TRULY freedom-based is a business that gives you more than enough resources of money and time to do what YOU want, whenever you can with whom […]
Today I want to share with you 5 things you can start doing in order to be more visible in your business as a Coach. If you desire success as a new coach you got to get visible. People need to know about you. If you are unsure on how you can do this just […]
Boundaries, they are so crucial and import. The reason is because many times in business we forget to put boundaries. THIS LACK OF BOUNDARY is what makes us downward spiral. Boundaries are the firmness that you have and it’s the ‘non-negotiable’. I’ve seen so many women in the beginning of their coaching business without any […]
The reason I want to share this with you is because sometimes we don’t take our mastermind seriously. Three year ago I didn’t understand what the power of having a mastermind was, and now after my trip to Florence I realize the importance of this even more… Below I share 3 Things I learned, which […]
What is Abundance for you? Want a Killer Abundant Mindset? Well, Today I want to share with you some steps so you can have a more abundant mindset so you can rock your business and life. Start listing things that you already are abundant in: Take a moment to think about things you are abundant now. It […]