Today I want to share with you 3 elements that you need to have in place in your business to really create an awesome freedom based business.
A business that is TRULY freedom-based is a business that gives you more than enough resources of money and time to do what YOU want, whenever you can with whom ever you want.
These 3 elements are:
1. Create an schedule that supports you: Don’t create a schedule where you start your work at 7am and finish at 7pm. Make sure that if you are going to create a schedule it supports you. So many women are doing coaching calls every day of the week. I don’t recommend doing this. The best thing is to create a schedule in which you divide your activities well and group similar activities together.
2. Create a business model that is freedom-based: This is so important because so many times we create a coaching business or a model that is not supporting us. For example if you desire consistent $10k months and desire to work only 2 days a week, create a coaching package that has a $1k payment plan, get 10 clients and work with 5 clients for 2 days and you are done. Don’t be selling a product that is $100 and have to sell 1000 every month (especially if you are starting and don’t have the list size to do that)
3. Create a mindset that is aligned to your freedom-based business: If you want to create a business that is freedom based you got to have the right mindset. You have to have aligned beliefs. For example: you got to believe that you CAN make lot’s of money working less time, or that money CAN come in when you are sleeping. When our minds are not aligned then we will be blocking and resisting it in our lives.
When these 3 elements are aligned and in place you will have exactly what you need to really rock your business AND enjoy some time off (without worry that your business will stop).
Lot’s of love,
Sherina Mayani