Are you a worrier? Do you live in the place of lack and scarcity? Here’s what I know for sure, you can either be in the energy of flow OR the energy of worry. You can’t be in both at the same time. It’s really a choice. We have the power to CHOOSE which state […]
Archivos de Etiquetas: flow
If you are a service provider or coach I know sometimes the biggest thing really stopping us from really beginning is putting a price tag to our service. This block can trigger so many emotions. Many of us don’t feel worthy, which is really the main cause behind this block. If you are feeling unworthy […]
Many times our money blocks are related with our emotions. As an example, I once had a client who did EVERYTHING right in her coaching business. She had nailed her target market, created her package, did the marketing, and did Discovery calls. She did everything! And even as she did everything and was making sales, […]
Often, I am asked How do I create a strategy that sales? If you want to be in flow with money, if you want to be in cash flow in your business you have to focus your actions and energy on two things: marketing and sales. How do I create a strategy for sales that […]
Back in December something happened that really scared me! Something that I thought was the WORST thing ever! Someone had banged my brother’s car (while I was using his car). Filled with fear, sadness and stress I didn’t know WHY this happened – everything had been going so great! Have you ever had something “bad” […]
Let me share with you my story Just a few months ago I was in a Job I didn’t LOVE making less than $2k a month. Do you relate? I knew in my heart that I desired to be of service and that I had something amazing to share with women from all around the […]