You won’t believe what I did recently, but I completed and raced my first half marathon. Last year in June, I decided and committed to do a ½ marathon. (When I decided this I had NO IDEA what I was committing too – I had never run neither was I into exercise). My first attempt […]
Archivos de Categoría: Newsletter
Have you ever said NO to someone when you actually wanted to say YES? That’s what I did when I was first asked out by my now fiance. I told him No – not once but more than a hundred times when he asked me out. When actually deep down I wanted to say YES. […]
Back in December something happened that really scared me! Something that I thought was the WORST thing ever! Someone had banged my brother’s car (while I was using his car). Filled with fear, sadness and stress I didn’t know WHY this happened – everything had been going so great! Have you ever had something “bad” […]