The last few days, I’ve been thinking a lot about generosity and what it means and what’s the difference between generosity and people pleasing. For me, in my own personal journey as an entrepreneur, mentor, and human being, I had this thing of being a people pleaser and it’s not so easy to share with […]
Archivos del Autor: Sherina Mayani
¿Te ha pasado que has tenido momentos en los que te sientes frustrada, que sientes que te quieres rendir porque las cosas están duras, sientes que no estás consiguiendo clientes, que no estás teniendo los resultados que deseas o que no estás haciendo el dinero que quieres? Muy bien, lo primero que debes saber, es […]
Today I actually want to start by asking you a question: Why do you do what you do? If you are able to answer this -and feel good about it-, congratulations! You are actually part of a small percentage. However, today I want to address those who haven’t identified their why. If this is your […]
This is an interesting block that I have noticed. This block gets activated when we are in a Survival Mode. We believe that we are just scrapping by and surviving. What happens with this block is that it manifests survival situations, which translates to our money. We survive with money and what happens is that […]
I know that this one might sound super weird but it actually the first block many of us have. And that is Unawareness and not wanting to talk about money. We don’t even know that money is blocking us. And this is really the place we start. The number one block we got to overcome. […]
Last February my friend Shereen Sun, who besides being a Business Coach is also an artist, told me about this trip she was planning to do to Costa Rica to paint some mural in a low-income community. As soon as I heard her plans a voice inside of me went “This is awesome! I want […]
Have you ever think that “Making lots of money means overworking and working long hours”? This is one that I am actually still working on. This block starts because in jobs you work for in exchange of your time. We become programmed that if we want to make more money we need to give in […]
Since it’s March, and this month is all about honoring women and the actions we’ve taken towards a more equal society, it seems to me this is the perfect opportunity to talk about recognition. Recognition is the act of acknowledging the good in something or someone. It’s about giving things and people the attention and […]
Throughout my journey as a coach I have encountered many women all over the world who are stressed and pressured with money. Business owners, executives, employees, entrepreneurs. They all suffer at some extent when it comes to money, whether they have plenty or not. The root of this particular suffering lies in one common attitude […]
There’s a prayer I love called the “Serenity Prayer”, which goes like: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. The reason I love it so much is because it involves a concept that fascinates me: that in […]