The last few days, I’ve been thinking a lot about generosity and what it means and what’s the difference between generosity and people pleasing.
For me, in my own personal journey as an entrepreneur, mentor, and human being, I had this thing of being a people pleaser and it’s not so easy to share with with you. I’ve been working on it for the last couple of years because I want to shift my way of being from people pleasing to generosity.
So in case you are wondering, “What is a people pleaser?”
It’s when you are pleasing people, putting off your own wants and needs in order to support or help others first. Your needs come second(or third, fourth and 20th!). When you are in the industry we are in of service, it can be REALLY easy to fall into people pleasing because we are focused out on supporting people.
I’ve been looking into it a lot lately because I am committed to being generous, but I wonder for myself, “Is this being generous or is this being a people pleaser?”
Generosity comes from a place of love and light, people pleasing comes from a place of shame and guilt.
I believe the energy you come from is the impact, it’s the energetic imprint that you bring into the action and what energy moves forward as you move forward. I truly believe in energy and Karma and the energy you bring forward is the energy that is generated going forward.
Do you agree?
Are you generous or are you a people pleaser?
Where do you see yourself?
Who are you committed to being?
SO here’s the thing-what’s the difference and WHY is it important to be aware of what energy you are bringing forward-generosity or people pleasing?
Generosity comes from a place of abundance, love, and light, while people pleasing tends to be from a place of shame, guilt, obligation, duty, and a need to be liked.
Someone recently called me out, telling me that I say I am generous and yet I charge for my services and if I was truly generous, then I would not charge for my services.
I was like, “whoa!!”
I get what she is saying, yet at the same time, we live in a world that is transactional and we need money to live and pay for our needs.
I told her, “I hear you and I felt the same way when I started in this industry and thought people should do this for free, but unfortunately, most people don’t act on FREE stuff. They don’t commit to themselves or anyone else for free stuff.”
I have a wide range of clients, some pay us $297/month, some pay us $3-5k/month” and it’s interesting to see what the INVESTMENT creates within the person who is investing. There is something about making an investment does to “up the ante” of a person’s commitment to themselves and the program.
And I believe you can be generous AND charge for your services by making sure you are giving LOTS of amazing value for the investment you charge. It’s really about the energy you are coming from rather than whether or not your charge for your services.
But, it’s an important point and lately, I’ve really been examining what it means for ME to be generous and be a people pleaser.
I am committed to coming from a place of generosity, rather than people pleasing.
Here’s what I do, whenever I make a decision, I always ask myself, “Where’s this decision coming from? Am I doing this to offer her support, or am I doing this so I can ask her for something.”
There is something so CLEAN about coming from a place of generosity and it truly creates so much abundance.
I encourage you guys to come from that space, whenever you are making a decision. Ask yourself, “am I doing this to please someone else, from a place of guilt, shame, obligation, duty OR am I doing this from a place of generosity and abundance.” Just observe your thoughts.
I was listening to Abraham-Hicks the other day and it was perfect, because it’s exactly what I wanted to share with you. The audio was about how can we give from a space that is empty? It’s so important to fill yourself up, to connect with spirituality, Universe, God, whatever helps fill us up with beauty, light, and grace before we move forward to connect and give.
When we connect and we give, it comes from a generous place.
When we give to get, it feels icky and you know it’s happening as you do it. It’s all about keeping our energy clean and creating abundance and flow as we go forward.
So I’m committed to showing up from a space of generosity and abundance and not from people pleasing, how about YOU? Who are you committed to showing up as? Being generosity or being people pleasing?