Hope you are doing AMAZING. I am sending you lot’s of awesomeness energy! Have you ever felt a sense of urgency for just everything and feel as if there is not enough time for anything? I got you and I feel you. Let me tell you something: it happens to all of us. Something I […]
Archivos de Categoría: Blog
Have you ever felt sometimes things getting too ‘hard’? Have you ever had the urge to just quit? Well I have to share something with you. I felt that way recently. I have felt this way before. And recently I was in a point in which I almost gave up. Yes. I almost gave in […]
Hello Beautiful, Hope you are doing great, I know you have desired something more in your life. I don’t believe in coincidences and I am sure that there is something that brought you to reading this right here and right now. I have something I want to share with you. And that’s the importance of […]
I noticed many of you are really trying hard to bring in paying clients to your business. I know exactly how that feels, which is why I have been studying and trying to master this for a few weeks. I wanted to train you on this topic for a while now, but I needed to […]
The last past days I have been spending lots of time in Nature. This has really created miracles in my life. Just to reconnect. It has allowed me to BE more. I want to share with you why I love going out on the grass barefoot: Grounding. when we are barefoot and in the ground (grass) […]
Hello Beautiful, Hope you are doing amazingly Great. I was thinking about Specifically how you could create a life on your way. I remember before starting in business I used to always ‘dream’ and ‘fantasize’ of a day in which I could do things my way without really ‘hurting’ anyone in Exchange. This is something […]
Hello Beautiful, Happy New Years,Welcome to the first week of this beautiful year.How was your New Year’s celebration? Hope it went great!Someone recently told me that we should marry our years and start the New Year with the right energy and intention. One way I love doing this is setting my Feelings for the year. […]
Hope you are doing amazingly great. Happy New Year’s Eve. Today is the last day of the year. Amazing how just in 24 hours we will be starting a Brand new year. Something that I have noticed and seeing is everyone talking about the new year and how they want to change and shift their […]
Do you know that time is actually just an illusion. Space and time are illusions and they are our creations. This concept was very challenging for me to grasp when I first heard of it. I didn’t understand it. Until very recently I feel I am actually getting it. I want to share with […]
Hello Beautiful! I hope you are doing amazing. Many people have asked me how I personally like to create change in my life. Today, I wanted to share with you three things that can really create CHANGE : 1. Do something different. This can be anything from going a different route to work, wearing something […]