Hello Beautiful,
Hope you are doing amazingly Great.
I was thinking about Specifically how you could create a life on your way. I remember before starting in business I used to always ‘dream’ and ‘fantasize’ of a day in which I could do things my way without really ‘hurting’ anyone in Exchange.
This is something that I used to always ask myself. Until one day a mentor of mine told me: As long you are following your Truth (And not the Ego) there is no possible way YOU can hurt anybody and even if you do it will be their choice and their doing. You have to detach from that and send them love if they are choosing to suffer. This rang to me. After that I made it an intention of mine to look and meet other women who are doing things their way unapologetically and owning it.
And the Universe is my command I got exactly that. Last year I had the pleasure to meet these amazing women who have created amazing businesses and lifestyles on their own terms.
We got together and are putting together an Interview Series to provide more information on how WE DID IT.
And it is my pleasure to invite you for free to this Interview series here:http://www.wowfactorsummit.
You can join for free. Check out my video:
I am super excited about this series and all the information that all of us are sharing.
Make sure you grab your seat here: http://www.wowfactorsummit.
See you at the top,
Lot’s of love,
Sherina Mayani