Hello Beautiful,
Happy New Years,Welcome to the first week of this beautiful year.How was your New Year’s celebration?
Hope it went great!Someone recently told me that we should marry our years and start the New Year with the right energy and intention. One way I love doing this is setting my Feelings for the year. I want to share with you how I do that.I am someone who loves setting goals, intentions and creating plans. In December 2013 I decided not to create goals for 2014. What I did instead was to choose 4 Feelings I desired to manifest in 2014. These were:
Hope it went great!Someone recently told me that we should marry our years and start the New Year with the right energy and intention. One way I love doing this is setting my Feelings for the year. I want to share with you how I do that.I am someone who loves setting goals, intentions and creating plans. In December 2013 I decided not to create goals for 2014. What I did instead was to choose 4 Feelings I desired to manifest in 2014. These were:
- Freedom
- Expression
- Abundance
- Love
I had no idea how in 2014 these for feelings were going to manifest. But I knew in my heart that that was what I desired to feel. I actually gave the universe space to manifest these in the best way for the highest good of everyone involved. And that is exactly what I got. My 2014 was full of:Freedom (this got manifested in my own business, leaving my full time job and travelling the world),
Expression (I created my own website, FB fan page and started blogging and writing these emails),
Abundance (I was able to really expand travel and do what I desired without really worrying or thinking of lack, My business gave me lot’s of abundance) and
Love (I was able to experience and feel more love in my relationships and life)On December 31st, 2014 I did the same thing. I wrote down my core feelings for 2015.
Expression (I created my own website, FB fan page and started blogging and writing these emails),
Abundance (I was able to really expand travel and do what I desired without really worrying or thinking of lack, My business gave me lot’s of abundance) and
Love (I was able to experience and feel more love in my relationships and life)On December 31st, 2014 I did the same thing. I wrote down my core feelings for 2015.
These are: Freedom, Peace, Presence and Abundance
What are your Core feelings for this year?Focus on that feeling you desire to manifest and allow the universe to really give it to you in the most amazing way possible. 😀 Be available for surprises.I would love to get talking to you. To help you figure out YOUR Core Feelings and how you can let go and allow the universe to manifest these in the most powerful ways https://www.timetrade.com/ book/CL41C I will only be opening space for 5 people 😀
What are your Core feelings for this year?Focus on that feeling you desire to manifest and allow the universe to really give it to you in the most amazing way possible. 😀 Be available for surprises.I would love to get talking to you. To help you figure out YOUR Core Feelings and how you can let go and allow the universe to manifest these in the most powerful ways https://www.timetrade.com/
Lot’s of Love,
Sherina Mayani