Archivos de Etiquetas: success

Don’t Let Resistance Stop You

Today I woke up feeling exciting, knowing that something amazing is going to happen within an intensive day for me. When you start your days like this, you feel with happiness and energy to create whatever you want. But I have notice that many of us, even when we are living our dreams or are […]

When You Have This In Place In Your Business It Will Be Successful

If you want to create a business that is successful, that makes you money, that is in alignment with what you do; who you are, the one thing that you can have in place is a VISION. If you do not have a vision, if you do not know where your business is going, it’s […]

Enjoy your journey NOW

“Success is a journey not a destination” -Ben sweetland Has it happen to you that you always expect results to happen faster than what they should? Things that happen in life happen because of a reason. There’s something much greater underneath than just the result of things. Don’t you think it’ll be boring if we just […]

(DONE) Do you suffer from ‘Comparitisis’?

Do you find comparing yourself with someone else? If yes, you have what I like to call ‘Comparitisis’ I have to admit that I had it too. I was comparing myself with other people and trying to make myself ‘wrong’ for what was happening or not happening in my life and business I was actually […]

A Very Cool Interview You Will Enjoy!

Hello! Today I have something totally different for you. I will be doing some interviews with some women I truly admire, who are living the life of their desire and walking their talk. I feel it is really important to really learn and listen to people who have what you want and have been where […]

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