Today I woke up feeling exciting, knowing that something amazing is going to happen within an intensive day for me. When you start your days like this, you feel with happiness and energy to create whatever you want. But I have notice that many of us, even when we are living our dreams or are doing what we love, we can fall into a trap, into a block, and this block that I observe is Resistance.
This is when our dreams or anything we want to create in our life, in our business looks like a wall, keeping us out of track. It usually shows up in our life like excuses, procrastination or the simple act of avoiding the things you thought you will be doing. I said from my heart and from love, because I did this too. Many times, When I am up to something great, when I am doing something amazing and on purpose I resisted, I create excuses. This is something that stop me.
Dealing with resistance
For those who are looking to create a big change in your life, with support, with mentoring and really rocking your coaching business make sure to be aware if you start to get caught in resistance.
If resistance is showing up, don´t you worry, because it is actually normal. Here you will find 4 ways that will help you to tackle it.
First – Don’t be so wrong for it.
Second – Acknowledge that resistance is showing up.
Third – Clear it
Fourth – Move beyond that.
It is that Simple.
Create Your Success
Resistance shows up whenever you are about to create some awesome change, and when you have change, you can show resistance.
When I started my coaching business, I knew in my mind I have to hired a coach, I knew in my mind that I need one on one support, I knew I needed and I knew I wanted, but guess what I resisted getting that, I was so resistant.
I am so glad I took action anyway even when I resisted it. I was kind why I resisted it? I knew I will create this success, even sooner but resistance was stopping me.
If you are looking to do something in your life, like a project, like clients, like money, whatever your trying to create for yourself right here, right now, go do it, go take action, clear it, do what you need to shake yourself up.
Don’t let resistance catch you or blocked you.
Keep your dreams as a priority. You deserve it.