Commitments, commitments, we are all so full of them.
Many people get scared of the word commitment. How do you feel just reading the word?
In my experience I have learned and studied how commitment plays a BIG game when it comes to making money!
Yes. Money! Making money and being of TRUE service in the world.
Want to know why?
A person who keeps and follows through their commitments attracts people who are the same and having a business in which all commitments are followed through makes it a very powerful and viable business. Not to mention with a really strong foundation.
Ifyou want to know HOW you can follow through your commitments even when it’s hard I share below three ways that have worked wonders for me:
- Acknowledging your broken agreements: If we don’t acknowledge them, we can’t fix them. Where in your life you have broken agreements? Notice them and acknowledge them even if it’s to yourself.
- Amend the commitments that you had broken in the past: Empower yourself to be able to recognize and work to fix them.
- Make sure that if you commit to something you are going to do it: Make sure if there is something that you don’t want to do… just say no. Sometimes it’s better to say no then to break a commitment. You hurt way more people when you break a commitment not to mention you go down in a negative downward spiral when breaking commitments.
Hope this helps!
Lot’s of love,