Today, I want to share three things you can do today to have success and really start your business.
If it were easy, everyone would be doing it: creating financial independence, financial freedom, etc. If it were so easy more than the 10, 5 or 1% would be doing it. Sometimes the equation is simple, but we make it difficult on ourselves, but it takes discipline and certain attributes to really achieve the things we want to achieve.
Number One: Focus
You absolutely have to have focus. You have to focus on your business. It isn’t possible to focus on a lot of different things at the same time. You energy needs to be tuned into what is important.
I see a lot of women who are focused on losing ten pounds this month, going to all the beaches in the world this month, getting their hair done, going out, projects, this and that. With all of this going on it is going to be really hard.
When I started my coaching business, I had nothing else to focus on. It was all about my business and my job. Before, I was working on other projects and they were all reaching dead ends. I was a social person! I was going out, networking, you would find me out and about on the weekends. This had to stop.
For me that wasn’t going to work.I had to focus on my business and that was it. I had my job and I knew that I had to fulfill those responsibilities, but I knew I had to really stay focused on my business. Life pushed me because I was asking for that success, so life gave me a situation where there wasn’t any other option.
A lot of people don’t create the business and the success that they really want because they aren’t focused even though they are creating new projects and businesses every day. Life happens. We can’t stop the situations that may come up: in your family, with your friends, between you and your partner. Anything could happen and it isn’t about ignoring that, but with dealing with your responsibilities and making your business a priority in your life.
That focus will help you get things done. You continue being a mom, a friend, etc, but with your business as a priority you will take the time where you can step away from your primary responsibilities and you will be able to make decisions and actions to grow and develop your business.
If you are in a space in your life where your business cannot be your main focus, that is okay and you need to recognize that. You will need to make that decision without complaints about not making more money or building more success.
Number Two: Be
Honor the process of the transition. As women, we need to process and do the work in the transition to start the next step. Don’t feel like you need to shut out. We need to detach from our jobs, detach from the habits and the mindset we had and really take the time to transition to making the decision for our business to be a priority.
Please don’t be that person saying, “I want to do it in one month!” You need to align the parts of your life and really listen. When I quit my job, no one told me the day had come or that the time was right. I knew that I would know and when that day came it was a very clear decision.
It isn’t about who will build success faster or who will make money faster. It is really about honoring your process and your journey. You have to be. You have to practice being in that energy and being in your truth. That will lead you to your business success.
If you want to be that woman making money, first you have to be.
Number Three: Be okay with the unknown
This is an interesting one you might not have heard. You really have to make a decision to be okay with uncertainty. You really can’t be sure. When you start your business, you have no clue if it will be a success or if it will fail on you.
Guess what? Being an entrepreneur is unknown. You can’t always be sure when the next paycheck is going to come in. You can have the perfect system or eCourse and then the next day it could just fall off. If you start your business without being okay with the unknown it’s going to screw you.
You will be anxious and spinning like crazy. I have so many things launching and things I am creating, I had no idea I would have success right now. Although, I hoped so. I was always getting advice and mentorship, but who really knows? If you are too scared of that, maybe a job would be the best thing for you at the moment. If you get stuck in that you get lost in anxiety about the future. and you won’t be able to build.
You can’t live in the future and get stuck in those thoughts. It will block out your inner voice because you are pushing too far ahead. All that anxiety and the things going wrong are due to not being present in today. You don’t have to know the whole process and structure.
Be where you are today and do what you know you need to do today. When the time comes for you to create a program, you will know. I know I’m not perfect and that’s not always the way I do it because it is so easy to get caught up in the doing and everything with the business. But, finding that alignment and really being in today is what will help you build that success that you want.