Hope you are doing amazingly great.
Happy New Year’s Eve. Today is the last day of the year. Amazing how just in 24 hours we will be starting a Brand new year. Something that I have noticed and seeing is everyone talking about the new year and how they want to change and shift their lives.
I want to share with you some things that you can do TODAY so you can prepare and start this year right:
- Be Grateful. I know this is said and used a lot but you know what. It is actually very true. Gratitude is very high vibration and when we are practicing this the vibration sticks and creates more of it. Start the New Year with an amazing frequency
- Surround yourself with A-Players. It is a new year. Make sure that you are going to be fully supported to bring on the year surrounded by A players. People who will support you, love you, and pull in for you.
- Get Clear on the feelings you desire to manifest in 2015. Many of us have very specific tangible goals for 2015. I am here to suggest differently. What if you just focus on certain feelings you desire to manifest in 2015? I did this last year and one of the core feelings I wanted to manifest was Freedom. And I did just that this year. I created a freedom based business that gave me lot’s of feeling of freedom! Try It.
Apply what feels good and remember to always stay high vibe.
Lot’s of Love
Sherina Mayani