How to Create a Profitable Spiritual Business In Joy

Hello Beautiful,

Hope you are doing great,

I know you have desired something more in your life. I don’t believe in coincidences and I am sure that there is something that brought you to reading this right here and right now.

I have something I want to share with you. And that’s the importance of having FUN and being in JOY. The other day I heard one of my mentors saying that the best way to measure our success is to measure how much fun we are having. That is a little counterintuitive right? But I put it to the test and it actually works.

This is what I found:

  1. Happiness is a decision. A conscious decision you make with your mind. You can decide to be happy anytime, therefore changing your vibration and frequency at any given moment
  2. If we want to feel better and be in joy one way of tuning in and shifting energy is to focus on your breath.
  3. The more we focus on being in Joy the more success we will experience and invite in our lives and business
  4. When we are in Joy we are in a higher frequency and aligned with what we desire to share (Everything improves when we are in this state)

After finding out all of this I decided to do and create a brand new Training on: How to Create a Profitable $piritual Business In Joy

The reason for my decision is that there are so many women coaches and entrepreneurs out there that are creating a business and not having fun in the process! We got to enjoy our creation; we got to be in the right frequency especially if we are going to be creating a spiritual business.

Lot’s of love,

Sherina Mayani

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