There is magic when you do something that you love and not because you ’’have’’ to do it. I have learned that when you do something out of love and not because of money or recognition your energy changes. People around you take notice. The results of your actions are much more powerful and fruitful. This may sound simpler than it is, but here are some tips to get you started:
Make a list. Grab a pen and paper and write down all the things in your life that you love that make you happy. This might be a favorite song, a dance, a long walk, a destination etc. Whatever it is, write it down. Next time you feel stressed or overwhelmed break out the list and do something on it.
Take action. Make your life more positive by doing the things you love more often. Make time for the things and people you love more often. Treasure yourself more often. These are small steps that will have a big impact on the way you and the ones you love feel.
Gratefulness. Always be grateful for the people around you, your work, your home and everything! You can’t choose your situation but you can choose your perspective and your attitude. An attitude of gratitude is the best one!
Enjoy your day and go create a life you LOVE!
XOXO, Sherina