Have you ever think that “Making lots of money means overworking and working long hours”?
This is one that I am actually still working on. This block starts because in jobs you work for in exchange of your time. We become programmed that if we want to make more money we need to give in more time. I remember when I used to work overtime and literally (kill myself) I made more money.
Which is interesting, because today I make what I used to make that in an hour and don’t have to necessarily KILL myself for it or work extra hours. Having said this, I do believe it’s important to put in work but it doesn’t mean we need to overwork ourselves and feel really bad in the process. Many of us feel that if we are making more money we got to justify it by giving more time and energy.
The other day I was speaking to a client and she felt that her coaching package had to give a tangible result for her client. For her the tangible was money. She felt that if the client invested $5k with her the client had to make $5k back.
She couldn’t wrap up in her mind how she was going to make so much money with no tangible as a result or guarantee. And this actually scared her and freaked her out. It was really blocking her. I have colleagues who truly believe on working just a few hours a week and they are making LOT’s of money.
And I know others who are working every single second and don’t make as much money or barely make anything. Seeing this example I realized that you don’t exchange time for money, rather you exchange VALUE for money.
The more value you give the more money you make. It really is in the value. If you think of Oprah she has created so much VALUE in the work she does. Which is why it’s no surprise she makes so much money as well.
There is a coach I know who made a million dollar selling just one course. Amazing really. But it’s the value that the course has given so many women from around the world, which translated to money for her.
If you want to learn money about “Money Blocks” and how to overcome them, I invite you to download my Free E-Book “Money: From Block to Flow” where I reveal the “7 Blocks Holding You Back From Starting and Growing A Thriving Business and How To Overcome Them”.