HOW to Build Your Business and Become a MONEY MAGNET without the struggle and overwhelm (Includes 7 Video Modules and Worksheets)
- MODULE 1 (Week 1): How to get clear on your desires so you can kickstart or grow your business to the next level
- MODULE 2 (Week 2): How to start getting your clients so you can make more money
- MODULE 3 (Week 3): How to gain confidence and self-worth so you can attract ideal clients
- MODULE 4 (Week 4): How to build your community of ideal clients
- MODULE 5 (Week 5): How to have an abundant relationship with money so you are making consistent growing income
- MODULE 6 (Week 6): How to create an offering that your ideal client is willing to invest in so you can sell it like hot cakes
- MODULE 7 (Week 7): How to clear your money blocks so you can finally make money in your business
Below you’ll find the list of all available modules for you to take. If you see the button of “TAKE THIS PROGRAM” then it means that you are not logged into your members account. Please do so by using this link.
(ESP) SUBTITULOS: Para ver los subtitulos en español en todos los módulos de este curso, favor presionar el icono de “CC” en el reproductor de video y seleccionar “Español – Latinoamérica” y automáticamente saldrán como una franja en la parte inferior del video.