Your fast track pass to increase your flow of clients and money so you can Grow Your Income without overworking!
GRAB YOUR CLIENT ACCELERATOR PACK NOWYour fast track pass to increase your flow of clients and money so you can Grow Your Income without overworking!
GRAB YOUR CLIENT ACCELERATOR PACK NOWTeach you exact strategies you can do and follow to attract and close ideal clients to you ASAP.
Shift and Increase Your Financial Energy to Attract More Clients, Opportunities and Resources.
Clarify what your money story is and Learn a few simple to tweaks to Upgrade your Income.
Uplevel your money beliefs so you can Call in More Resources and have the freedom to do what you want when you want.
Release any and all resistance, blocks and self-sabotage so you can take inspired actions towards attracting more clients even if you’ve been feeling resistant to taking action on the very things you know you should be doing to get the results you want.
In this 4-Part Video + Worksheet Module Training you will learn HOW you can start getting more clients with ease and grace without having to work HARDER but rather SMARTER.
($397 VALUE)
We will be clearing all conscious and subconscious blocks in your energy system that might be repelling more ideal clients to come to you.
($597 VALUE)
Where I’ll be able to SCAN your energy and help you clear all sabotage and resistance blocks around attracting and closing more ideal clients.
($1,997 VALUE)
If you’ll get all of these products on their regular prices, you will be investing $2,991 but as a “never done before” Black Friday Offer we want this to be a NO-BRAINER for you and that’s why your investment will be ONLY $97.
But HURRY, this Special Offer is only until Friday, November 23 at midnight, so TAKE ACTION NOW!!!.
So, in a nutshell… TOTAL VALUE: $2,991
Your Black Friday Special Price: $97
(Bonus #1) Money Flow 30 Min. Assessement – First 20 Women ($597 Value) – FREE
(Bonus #2) Personalized Money Scan – First 10 Women ($897 Value) – FREE
Prices is US Dollars (USD)
You can pay the $97 (USD) with your PayPal account which is the most popular and secure payment gateway in the world or Credit/Debit Card, plus you will get instant access to your purchase.
When you purchase this Special Offer, you will get access in “My Account” to a “My Courses” section where the videos will be available as modules.
Once this Special Offer is over, we will send an email to all the women who purchase it with the date, hour and link for the Live Group Clearing. If for some reason you can’t make you can just let us know and we will provide additional dates.
You might feel a bit tired or sleepy, so don’t do it while driving, but in general terms there’s nothing to worry about. You Financial Frequency will increase for sure.
This is a “Never Done Before” Black Friday 2018 Special Offer so is not going to be available after this Friday, November 23 at midnight.
Just make sure you take action fast on purchasing this Offer as the Bonus #1 is only going to be available for the first 20 women and the Bonus #2 for the first 10 women. You will get an email letting you know.
Because it’s a “Special Offer” with a $2,894 saving, we do not offer any refund after you purchase it. We do offer tech support if you have any issues watching the videos.
If you are having issues with placing your order, please write us at billing@sherinamayani.com and if your are tech issues write us at team@sherinamayani.com.
©2014-2018. Sherina Mayani – Business Coach for Women.
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