Hurry! This Crazy Offer Expires in October 20, 2018 at Midnight


Build Your Business Special Package Explained

You will get access to:

The 7-Module Build Your Business eCourse ($1,997 Value):

HOW to Build Your Business and Become a MONEY MAGNET without the struggle and overwhelm (Includes 7 Video Modules and Worksheets)

MODULE #1: How to Get Clear on Your Desires so you can Kickstart or Grow your Business to the next level

MODULE #2: How to start getting your clients so you Can Make More money

MODULE #3: How to gain Confidence and Self-Worth so you can attract ideal clients

MODULE #4: How to build your community of ideal clients

MODULE #5: How to Have an Abundant Relationship With Money so you are making consistent growing income

MODULE #6: How to create an offering that your ideal client is willing to invest in so you can sell it like hot cakes

MODULE #7: How to CLEAR your Money Blocks so you can finally make money in your business

BONUS #1:  Access to Private Group Money Clearings for 3 months  ($3,497 Value):

Special Private Clearings so you can release anything that might be holding you back in your energy and mindset to attract and become a magnet to more money. Also helps you INCREASE your current financial frequency so you can uplevel your income. Each month we do 1-2 Clearings.

BONUS #2: 10 Money Clearing Through Tapping Videos ($1,997 Value):

Special tailored clearing and tapping Videos that help you deal with and CLEAR the main ‘issues’ women entrepreneurs face: ‘’Procrastination’’, ‘’Consistency’’, ‘’Doubt’’, ‘’Fear’’ and ‘’Unworthiness”.

Also Includes Clearing and tapping videos that help you get into a POSITIVE energy and upleveled mindset around ‘’Faith’’, ‘’Worthiness’’, ‘Courage’’ and ‘’Confidence’’

BONUS #3: 5 Special Trainings / Interviews with Hand-Picked Experts ($497 Value):

You learn from others exactly what you need to KNOW to build a thriving business. Training topics are:

  • ‘’How to use FB ads to Grow your Business’’
  • ‘’Mindset Shifts from a 6 and 7 figure business owner’’
  • ‘’The link between Sexual Energy and Money Energy’’
  • ‘’How to Get Clear on Your Business Message’’
  • ‘’How to build a Business model that works without you’’

BONUS #4: Access to a Private FB group with a Head Coach and Me ($1,997 Value):

So you have a place to experience sisterhood, ask questions, share wins and get the support you need while building your business.

>>> Fast Action Bonuses <<<

First 5 Women


A Money Scan to find your financial frequency (For the first 10 Women)

($897 Value)


A 30-minute Private Call with me to create your quarterly business plan

($497 Value)


A 3-month Business Plan Template to help you get organized

($197 Value)


ONLY $997

Hurry! This Crazy Offer Expires in October 20, 2018 at Midnight



Pay in Full (One Time Payment)

BUY NOW ($997)

All prices in US Dollars (USD) | Apply for PayPal Credit


3 easy instalments of $397 (Instant Access)

BUY NOW ($397)

All prices in US Dollars (USD) | Apply for PayPal Credit

What women are saying about my coaching programs…

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Who is this Package for?

  • Women Entrepreneurs (You can be starting your business on in the first 4 years of your business)
  • Women who are ready to BREAK FREE

2. What do I get when I enroll today?

Access to Week /Module 1 (the rest will be opened up every week), 10 Money Clearing Through Tapping Videos, 5 Special Trainings / Interviews with Hand-Picked Experts, The schedule for the Money Clearings and access to the FB Group.

3. What happens if I fall behind?

You’ll have lifetime access to the course and community, so you can complete the material at your own pace.

4. Will I get access to Sherina?

YES. I’m going to be inside the FB Groups and leading the Money Group Clearings.

5. How much time will it take for me to complete this and get results?

  • Each week (over 7 weeks) you’ll spend between 1-2 hours completing the modules and implementing
  • As for how quickly you get results, that’s entirely up to you. I’ve had clients make back their investment that same week with this few hours of work.

6. Can’t I just figure this out on my own?

Not if you want results quickly

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©2014-2018. Sherina Mayani – Business Coach for Women

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